I am a small town guy who grew up in Beaver Dam, Kentucky. Even after living longer between Baltimore and DC I still feel like a small town guy from Kentucky.

I have two grown children who mostly live away from home. The transition to an empty nest was a little difficult.

I was a librarian for over 25 years until a toxic boss, a toxic work environment, and the pandemic drive me out of the profession. I call myself semi-retired now, but I think I am done as a librarian. I would love to make a living as a writer, but only have enough faith in my writing to post my words here and on my blog, The World’s Common Tater.

I used to read over 100 books a year. I’m now hoping to break 75 per year. I also watch a lot of television. I write about both.

I once walked a cheetah in Zambia

Medium member since October 2021
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Alan Simpson

Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.