
How You Can Support Your Writer Friends on Medium

Some thoughts on how you can support your writer friends above and beyond reading

Alan Simpson
3 min readMar 20, 2023


hands that look like one is lifting another up
Photo by Austin Kehmeier on Unsplash

Last week I wrote an article on the church and gay marriage. I then posted the link on Facebook. I usually get a few reads from links on Facebook, but this one did a little better. As of this writing, 35 people have read the article from the link on Facebook. Another 4 have read it from a link on Twitter. 12 people interacted with the post on Facebook.

After seeing those stats I thought about writing this article, but I was afraid I would look like I was not appreciative of the people who read the article. That is not the case. I love that my real life friends read my writing when I post a link on Facebook. I’m thrilled that people are reading this one. I do think, though, that some might appreciate some ideas on how to further support their writer friends.

So, here we go.


This is the one I most hate to address because I don’t want to feel like I am begging for money. I don’t expect anyone I know to give me money for reading what I write. I also think I am doing myself a disservice if I don’t tell people who might want to support me how they can do it. Here are some…



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.