My Responses to 10 Quick Answer Questions

A little bit about me in the form of short answers to 10 questions

Alan Simpson
2 min readDec 8, 2022


a question mark
Photo by Marcel Strauß on Unsplash

Yesterday I stumbled upon the article below from Linda Ng.

It seemed like a fun, easy thing to do to get me writing something again, so here we go. My quick answers to the 10 questions

  1. Favorite Drink- Normally, I would go with coffee even though it is really a tie between several. Since there is a coffee question later, I will go with Diet Cherry Dr. Pepper.
  2. Favorite Color — I’m not sure I have one? I guess I would go with blue?
  3. If you won the lottery what are the top three things you would do first — travel(first class, of course), set up trust funds for the kids, and donate.
  4. Favorite Cuisine — This is a tough one. I love food. Most food. I will go with Mexican. If we go out, that is where we tend to go.
  5. Would you give up social media or your cell phone forever- Based on Linda’s answer this is an either-or, not both. I would 100% give up social media…



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.