Week in Review

My Week in Review 4/1/23

A brief look at my week in life, movies, books, and TV

Alan Simpson
3 min readApr 1, 2023


Happy April Fools Day. I can’t believe it is April already. Here is a look at my week.


It was a rather uneventful week here in Tater Town. I did my two shifts at the barn. I went to Panera for coffee. Not much excitement.

My church search continues. I went to a 4th new church Sunday morning. The first and the last ones I might try again because they were very welcoming. The middle two are less likely to make the cut.

I realized yesterday that I only published once on Medium this week. I need to do better at that.


I watched Spoiler Alert yesterday. I have read Michael Ausiello’s TV writing for years. I grabbed his book as soon as it was released. It was a no-brainer that I would watch the movie. The movie was fine. It did a good job of telling the story of Michael and Kit’s relationship and Kit’s diagnosis and death. I’m not sure I was in the mind space to really focus on such a sad story.


Survivor was a little anti-climactic this week. No tribal council because of a medical evacuation and we didn’t even see the decision for him to leave or the goodbyes to his tribe.

All American: Homecoming’s season, possibly series, finale was as bland as the rest of the season has been.



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.