My Week in Review 8/16/24

Alan Simpson
2 min readAug 16, 2024

It had felt like a very odd week for me. I can’t seem to keep track of what day it is. I did finish reading my book club book.


I haven’t done much this week. I mowed on Monday. I worked at the farm Tuesday night. I went to part of a soccer game at the school on Wednesday. I didn’t do much of anything on Thursday. That might be the reason for my confusion.

I talked to one of my students at the soccer game. Turns out I also subbed for classes her sister was in last year as well. I never made the connection that they were related.

I’m still trying to adjust to evenings at the farm vs mornings. I’m still deciding if I need to change the night I’m working since it is now the one night my daughter is home for dinner at a reasonable time.


No Olympics this week meant I had to go back to regular life. It sounds a lot better to say you want to get everything done by 1 so you can watch Olympic swimming than it does to say you want to watch a random movie or take a nap.

We finally started the latest season of The Ark on Syfy. My wife apparently does not remember the show at all. That means a lot of questions while we are watching.

I’ve watched 3 of the 4 parts of the HBO documentary on Pete Rose. It is clear from watching that he was not a nice person, but I still think he belongs in the Hall of Fame.



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.