My Week in Review 8/2/24
I can’t believe it is already August. I’m ready for cooler fall weather. The Olympics have taken over my life this week. I did finish two books. Here is the week.
This was my first week actually working my new farm schedule. Only a 2.5-hour shift on Tuesday evening. The shift was fine. but it feels weird barely being there.
This is the first, and probably last, week in a while where my wife went to the office three days in a row. It was nice to be able to do things like vaccuum without worrying about her being in meetings.
I’ve been going to Panera for coffee more since I’m not at achool or the farm. That will end soon since my free three months of the sip club are ending. It seems like they are going through a staff turnover for the morning shift. I guess the end of summer meand change everywhere as people go back to school.
I’ve been watching the Olympics all day every day. I’ve mostly focused on swimming and gymnastics, but I also watch both beach and team volleyball. Volleyball is tje one sport I’m actually half decent at.
I did take the time to watch House of the Dragon during a lull in the Olympics. The last few episodes have been very good. I am getting tired of the Herrenhal story.
We also watched the second episode of Snowpiercer. I like the addition of Clark Gregg. It’s nice to have them fighting a common enemy instead of each other for a change.