Participation Trophies, Jeff Foxworthy Jokes, and Being Mad About Everything

Some thoughts about the Twitter anger over a dumb Jeff Foxworthy joke

Alan Simpson
2 min readMar 23, 2022


Jeff Foxworthy has a new Netflix special coming. Netflix tweeted the above to advertise the special. As is the norm for Twitter, people are angry.

People are angry that Foxworthy has a Netflix special in the first place. Apparently, they don’t realize they can just not watch it.

One person is mad that Bob Saget died and Jeff Foxworthy didn’t. If you wish a comedian dead because you don’t like his material seek professional help immediately.

People are angry about the joke in the picture. How dare Foxworthy makes fun of the concept of participation trophies! Tweet after tweet about it. To the point that Foxworthy is trending.

What I think about this:

  • It’s a fucking joke.
  • It’s an old, boring joke.
  • By tweeting about it constantly, you are giving Foxworthy and the special tons of free publicity. I wouldn’t even know about the special if…



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.