Redemption Isn’t Just for Coupons

Alan Simpson
3 min readSep 9, 2021

Updating this very old post because it has been on my mind with the news about Sirhan Sirhan being approved for parole. I wrote the post when Hinckley was approved for release and people were angry that he would ever be allowed to be released. I’m sure many people feel the same about Sirhan Sirhan. There will always be people who believe that there is no such thing as rehabilitation and redemption. We want prison to just be punishment with no release if they committed certain crimes. People released from prison have trouble getting jobs and are treated like they will always be a criminal. Then we wonder why there is such a problem with recidivism. It’s a vicious cycle,

One of the big news stories these days is that doctors are saying John Hinckley’s mental illness is in remission and that he should be released. Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity after attempting to assassinate President Reagan in 1981. The government opposes this and from posts, I’ve seen online, apparently, a good portion of America feels the same. Now, I’m not Hinckley’s doctor (or anyone’s doctor for that matter) so I can’t say for sure he is no longer exhibiting symptoms of mental illness, but I do have a problem with the idea that he should never be released. There are likely numerous people who were convicted of murder since 1981, were not mentally ill, and have since been released. Why is Hinckley different? Is it because he shot famous people? Is it because we don’t believe the mentally ill can be helped? Or is it that we overwhelmingly believe that no one…



Alan Simpson

I am a semi-retired former librarian who writes about a variety of topics. I review TV shows. I review books. I write about what is happening around us.