PinnedAlan SimpsoninReading is a Novel IdeaReading Is A Novel Idea Now Open For SubmissionsA new books and reading publication now open for your submissionsJun 16, 202210Jun 16, 202210
PinnedAlan SimpsonHello, I’m Alan aka Tater, Nice to Meet YouAn Introduction to Me Updated 12/8/21Dec 9, 202115Dec 9, 202115
Alan SimpsonMy Week in Review 9/13/24I’m still not quite back to my school year mode. I am still adjusting to writing at different times and not having my morning coffee and…3d ago13d ago1
Alan SimpsonMy Week in Review 9/6/24After a week of almost full-time work I had a week with a holiday and 2 hours of work. I did watch a movie and finish one book.Sep 6Sep 6
Alan SimpsonMy Week in Review 8/30It was back to school week for me. That means less time at Panera drinking coffee and reading. We will see how much that affects my reading…Aug 30Aug 30
Alan SimpsoninReading is a Novel IdeaMy August 2024 in BooksThere are still a few more days left in August but I likely won’t finish my current book before the end of the month. I somehow finished 7…Aug 291Aug 291
Alan SimpsonMy Week in Review 8/23This was my last week of no school. I am officially scheduled to sub a week from today already and will go into each day like I will get a…Aug 23Aug 23
Alan SimpsonMy Week in Review 8/16/24It had felt like a very odd week for me. I can’t seem to keep track of what day it is. I did finish reading my book club book.Aug 161Aug 161
Alan Simpson12 Questions to PonderNichola Scurry recently posted their answers to these 12 questions. I decided to throw my answers out there into the void. I’m sure the…Aug 112Aug 112